Benefits & Vitamins on Leeks

Leeks begin to grow in plantations China about 5,000 years ago. With good nutrition, eating leeks can help lower blood sugar levels, helping to overcome digestive problems, relieve cough and flu, inflammation, and improve blood circulation.
Vegetables are often used as a sprinkling of chicken noodle, soup, gravy or stuffing meatballs. Fragrant aroma and taste crunchy, making this leaves many people liked. Some have leaves that are small vitamin this long.

Plants that have a Latin name Allium Fistulosum has a delicious aroma and flavor, also contain active compounds as antibiotics. These substances can stimulate the body's cell growth, and rich in vitamins A and C, K, calcium, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Green onions, also known as scallions, are the perfect finishing touch final touch for salads, casseroles and many Asian dishes. green onions are usually enjoyed fresh, crisp and raw - both green tops and white base, only the whites of leeks are used, to cook in soups, stews and baked dishes or to grill, poach or braise. Green onions are fat, sodium, and cholesterol-free, low in calories, and high in vitamin C.

Vegetables are relatively cheap but also easy to rot. If buying in bulk, clean leeks, root fibers leave sticky then wrap in plastic or paper. Keep refrigerated Leeks can hold up to a week.

1 komentar:

  • Anonim says:
    26 Desember 2011 pukul 01.54

    i read your blog and found the important description about Benefits & Vitamins on Leeks......

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