Benefits Of Watermelon Fruit

Benefits Of  Watermelon FruitFavorite fruits including watermelon in the summer. Water content is high and the sweet taste makes it a choice of fresh muzzles. Watermelon is also rich in antioxidants, glutathione, which is plentiful in fruits and vegetables are colored red. Antioxidants have been proven effective in preventing various types of diseases.
Watermelon juice and skin can also be used as medicines. Ben Cao Gang Mu said that the watermelon can relieve thirst and hot, dry and painful throat cure, help urination, also good for constipation and overcome addiction to alcohol.

If you're on a diet, the watermelon is your friend. The fruit is free of fat and sugar levels have a combination of limited and abundant moisture. Moreover, the fruit of this one is quickly filling in the stomach.

Many opinion stating that the watermelon able to fight cancer. That is because watermelon contains lycopene which is a carotenoid substance. Substance lycopene is very strong to fight cancer. Cancer disease that attacks humans can occur due to free radicals, pollution, negative thoughts, poor diet, and the immune system. Substance lycopene from watermelon can overcome these attacks. In addition to anti-cancer, substance lycopene in watermelon can also make a face seemingly fresh, glowing and looking youthful.

Watermelon can meet the requirement of vitamin C to the body as vitamin C in melon fruit is very high, watermelon can help maintain eye health because it has a content of provitamin A, watermelon is good for people who have high cholesterol because it can reduce the fruit and helps remove cholesterol from the human body.

Lycopene in watermelon kasiat also donated specially for married men. This fruit can increase fertility and help men's sexual arousal. For those who missed had offspring, the fruit can also be very helpful. Believe it or not, studies show that compounds sitrulin in watermelon, have the same effect afrosidiak good as Viagra, but absolutely no side effects.

You can get the benefits of watermelon fruit is by eating watermelon on a daily basis.

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