Benefits of Seaweed

Seaweed is one of the richest sources of iodine and thus promotes thyroid health.  This is one of its most important health benefits. As little as 25 grams per week of dried seaweed will improve your iodine levels.
In 1964, a groundbreaking study at McGill University in Montreal revealed that alginic acid, found in abundance in seaweed, can bind with dangerous heavy metals (such as mercury, barium, cadmium, lead, and radioactive strontium), rendering them indigestible and causing their elimination.

Benefits of eating seaweed were mainly explored by island and coastal inhabitants. Seaweeds are nothing but algae from seawater, that use sunlight to photosynthesize food for themselves. Although, their structure is simpler than land plants, seaweed nutritional benefits are unique.

Sea vegetables are high in iodine (essential for thyroid health). Other seaweed health benefits include vitamins (especially A, B, and K), calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. Many varieties also contain up to 50 percent soluble fiber, which helps regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has long recognized seaweed health benefits. They categorize seaweed as salty and cold – characteristics that can loosen phlegm and dissipate nodules and cysts.
More recently, Western researchers have found that sea vegetables are loaded with phytochemicals that may help protect against cancer, heart disease, the common cold, and osteoporosis, as well as cleanse the digestive system.

There are several different types of seaweed
• Kelp – there are thousands of different types of kelp and it is exceptionally rich in iodine, making it fantastic for treating thyroid issues.  It is also rich in iron, magnesium and folate.
• Laver or Nori – is used by the Irish and Welsh.  Nori is a type of laver and it is generally sold as flat sheets or flakes.  It is commonly used in sushi.  It is rich in iodine, iron, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and riboflavin.
• Dulse – is very nutritious, with around 10 to 20 percent protein and many vitamins and mineral including iron, magnesium, and beta-carotene.  As well as its health benefits, it is used in skin care and cosmetics.
• Carrageen – is rich in retinol and minerals and is used to thicken foods.  It is the vegetarian equivalent of gelatine.
• Wakame – has anti-obesity properties and is very high in EPA, an essential fatty acid.  It can be added to soups and stews.

Seaweed benefits and seaweed extract benefits can be noticed within a few days after starting the use of seaweeds in daily diet.
Seaweed as well as seaweed extract help in detoxification of body.
Seaweeds in any form are beneficial for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
When added to your food, seaweed extract makes your food 'high fiber food', which helps improve your digestive health and also overall health.
Alginate from seaweed helps increase metabolism and thus, can prevent weight gain from consumption of high-fat, high-calorie foods.
Seaweed or seaweed extract can enhance the functioning of the immune system, helping the body fight viral infections such as herpes.
Seanol, a powerful antioxidant from seaweeds helps boost energy and mental alertness. It inhibits the growth of free radicals which helps reduce the chances of cancer cells growth.
Seaweed can relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis by around 15%. An increase in mobility and reduction in pain is noticed in patients of arthritis after regular use of seaweed extract.
The taste of seaweed is fantastic and seaweed benefits are significant. Seaweed is a cheap and natural health food, available to everyone, in all seasons. The above mentioned seaweed health benefits must have cleared all your doubts and you can now suggest others also to include seaweed in their diet.

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