Insomnia and How to Overcome

Insomnia, from the Latin "in" (not) and "somnus" (sleep), is a condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep. It includes a broad spectrum of sleep disorders, from lack of quantity of sleep to lack of quality of sleep.
Sleep is one of the most important parts of our lives. Studies show that a huge chunk of our existence is spent at sleeping. But what if sleep is deprived from you? What if sleep becomes more of a luxury? If getting a good night sleep is almost next to impossible, then you are suffering from insomnia. Knowing insmonia causes will help you deal with the problem more efficiently. Sleep deprivation is a serious matter that calls for your immediate attention.

Insomnia can affect all age groups and is more common in adult women than adult men. The condition can lead to poor performance at work or school, obesity, depression, anxiety, poor immune system function, reduced reaction time, and an increased risk and severity of long-term disease.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder (often referred to as "insomnia sleep disorder") and, most importantly, it is a symptom and not a disease.
So, when we talk about an insomnia cure we are not talking about curing insomnia directly but simply treating the underlying cause of insomnia.

causes of insomnia are numerous and can be divided into two major groups
Primary Insomnia. Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder for which there is no specific underlying condition and is the most common form of insomnia. Stress, environmental changes , disruptions to your normal sleep pattern , and the side-effects of many medications can all give rise to primary insomnia. Other contributory factors include the excessive use of drugs, alcohol or caffeine

Secondary Insomnia. Secondary insomnia can be attributed to a specific underlying physical or psychological condition. These include other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome and circadian rhythm disorder. Other physical and psychological conditions that often give rise to insomnia include depression, respiratory problems (including asthma), heart problems (such as congestive heart failure), arthritis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and hyperthyroidism.

There are several ways to prevent insomnia

- Don't do any exercise just before you go to bed, If you are going to do any exercise make sure that you do it in the earlier part of the day.
- Try meditating this may be one of the most simplest things that we can do as people, but even now so very few people practice this simple way of relaxing.
- Don’t drink any coffee or any other beverage, which has lots of caffeine contained within it.
- Try not to have a big meal before you go to bed our bodies aren’t necessarily designed to be digesting food when we are supposed to be asleep.
- Try reading a book this has been known to help some people get to sleep.
- Try a natural herbal remedy like Nytol or calms these contain natural occurring herbs that may help you sleep and are non addictive.
- Buy a CD with nature sounds on it or a machine that generates natural sounds say, for example, waves on the beach.
- Have a bath and add some aromatherapy oil to it just before you go to bed say about an hour before.
- Use your bedroom for what it is designed for sleeping only, if at all possible, this will help to train your brain that the bedroom is for sleep and sleep only.

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