Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women, killing about 40,000 American women yearly, Breast Cancer is not automatically a death sentence. In fact, the statistical model used to predict cancer death rates was recently found to be incorrect. So, in fact, there are many more cancer survivors than are reported in "the statistics".
Cancer is unrestrained cell growth. Heredity, estrogen and environmental factors seem to be the main cause of breast cancer. Heredity cancers usually develop before the age of fifty. Estrogen promotes cellular growth in the breast. Environmental factors such as pesticides, chemicals, radiation, and silicone implanta have been linked to breast cancer.

The breast contains lymphatic vessels, milk ducts, lobes and fatty tissue. The breast is mainly a round mass of glandular tissue with fifteen to twenty lobes. Each lobe has a duct that leads to an opening in the nipple. The framework of the breast is composed of connective tissue with a ligament layer beneath the breast, which provides firmness.

Although cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and it can be prevented, by keeping our body’s immune system up. Much poisoning of the body has been caused by the use of improper foods, such as meat, dairy products, white sugar, white flour, white rice, along with the use of liquor, tobacco, coffee, soda and all other denatured foods. Good wholesome food builds good blood, where as unwholesome foods builds a poor quality of blood. Cancer will not develop where there is a pure blood stream and the body’s immune system is functioning at its optimum.

To prevent and cure cancer we must keep our immune system high. Lots of fresh air, using lots of pure water, eat lots of healthy natural foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, getting adequate rest, moderate exercise daily, get outside in the sun every day, being temperate in all that we eat and do

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