Tips on Maintaining a Balance of Cholesterol in the Body

Tips on Maintaining a Balance of Cholesterol in the Body - Cholesterol, in a word, is a type of protein. A more basic definition is that it’s a fat-like substance that is very similar to wax. It’s produced in the liver, derived from the foods you eat. The food contains naturally occurring cholesterol (dietary cholesterol). Examples of foods that contain dietary cholesterol are meat, eggs, and other dairy products.
There are two basic types of cholesterol: HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). Not all cholesterol is bad. You body needs a certain balance of both kinds of cholesterol in order to function properly. Cholesterol helps perform some of these health tasks.

Here are some tips for maintaining a balance of cholesterol in the body:

Relax - You need to incorporate some relaxation into your life to counteract the negative effects of day to day stress. Do whatever it takes to relax your mind and body, whether it is yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, reading or simply taking a walk. This will also help to lower your cholesterol.

The link between stress and the production of cholesterol is well-established, so take time to relax. Regular relaxation will help to keep your stress levels under control. Some suggestions include meditation, relaxation CDs, exercise, yoga, reading or getting your worries down on paper.

There's a direct correlation between a person's level of physical activity and their cholesterol levels. Exercise has been shown to decrease total cholesterol while improving good HDL cholesterol.

Vegetarian diets have been found to be effective in lowering cholesterol. Consider going vego as a short-term plan (say for 3-6 months) when you need to be intensive about lowering cholesterol levels. Increasing the amount of fresh vegetables you consume will support your general health by supplying the body with a range of important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Remember to firstly get advice or do some research on how to eat a balanced vegetarian diet.

Garlic may have a mild cholesterol lowering effect. Include garlic in your diet wherever possible. Raw chopped or crushed garlic can be taken daily on a spoon. It can help to mix it with honey to help take the edge off.

Switch from your unhealthy, saturated fat laden foods to fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, fish, soya, nuts, seeds, lean meat and poultry as they not only taste good, but they protect your heart by reducing your levels of blood fat, lowering your blood sugar levels, reducing inflammation, fighting free radicals and lowering your cholesterol levels.

Avoid Toxins - The toxins that enter your body from cigarette smoking, alcohol, trans fats, saturated fats, and sugar can have adverse effects on the health of your heart. These toxins also cause your cholesterol levels to increase, resulting in an increase in the amount of plaque that accumulates in your arteries over time.

Sadly for caffeine addicts, there's a link between cholesterol levels and the consumption of coffee — particularly if you're hardcore and drink around six cups per day. For good health, coffee should be kept out of the diet altogether or at levels of one to two per day.

other natural substances which may help to reduce cholesterol levels are niacin (a form of vitamin B3) and chromium.
Large doses of niacin (3g a day) have been shown to substantially reduce total cholesterol levels and increase HDL levels. As a result, it is gaining popularity as a cholesterol treatment.
However, such large doses can be toxic to the body, particularly the liver, and may induce problems such as flushing, nausea and queasiness. Because of this, large doses of niacin should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
Chromium has been shown to reduce cholesterol and increase HDL levels. It is believed that niacin and chromium work well in combination. One report suggests that just 100mg of niacin combined with 200mcg of chromium a day may be effective in reducing cholesterol levels for some people.

Naturally lowering cholesterol levels is not easy. There may be factors (like genetics) that force you to take prescription medication, even if just for a short while when you first start out. However, by combining the change of diet, smoke-free lifestyle, and exercise program, you will be on your way to a healthier life, the natural way.


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